Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Success Hasn't Spoiled Me Yet???

Or has it? LOL And once an elite tormentor always an elite tormentor? Is the above the truth? https://www.jodeeblanco.com/survival/survival-advice-for-parents/ I really need to communicate with Blanco; I must extend more effort!

Sunday, November 19, 2023


Oh I don't fuck around.... Oh I don't fuck around.... All involved will know that I am SOUND.... And that above all I DON'T FUCK AROUND...... 😁

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Veterans' Day

Is it "s apostrophe" or "apostrophe s"? I believe the former is correct; more than a single veteran is in existence! I attended a meetup live band event last night at a local bbq restraurant; I will have to attend again while I am in an eating mood. Directly after the gym I rarely possess an appetite! And...speaking of appetites it is time for a quick morning trip to Aldi to collect some baking supplies! Indeed, it has been a long time... But it is November!

Monday, November 6, 2023

November Is A Crossroads Month!

Halloween is over; as is daylight savings time... Slowly approaching winter; steadily winding down fall... Football is in full swing; heading towards "the holidays"....United States Thanskgiving is early for 2023 AND TODAT IS THE FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF MY STROKE! I have a Roku now in addition to my own Netflix subscription! Heading on, moving on, moving on, moving towards winter as I contemplate my fall and Thanksgiving theme decorations and envision a hearty Thanskgiving meal.....