Sunday, December 17, 2023

True Crime Aficionado Tendencies...

 ....can take over one's entire existence.

Yesterday my mother asked me to retrieve her letter opener.

I found what resembled a shiv!

I said, "This is a LETTER OPENER? It resembles a murder weapon!"

Her response: "One would have to stab several times..."

Me: "Sure that's what psychotic criminals do when one wants to get rid of a prison cellmate! If management won't agree the criminal has to use whatever is at his disposal, and a lot of times HE constructs a SHIV. AND THE CRIMINAL JUST STABS AND STABS UNTIL THE ROOMMATE IS DEAD....:

Mother eventually realizes that I am "beyond hope" and states: "Just give me the letter opener, dear."



Sunday, December 3, 2023

In Order To Succeed At Work

 A) Work Productivity 
 B) Respectful And Dignified Behavior 

 A) Smart Alecky Comments
 B) Aggression
 C) Defensiveness 
 D) Paranoia

"And so it goes...."

Friday, December 1, 2023

Today is December 1st

It is cold here in Chicagoland. Of course I frequently comment on the weather. Currently contemplating my third cup of morning coffee; For the fist year I purchased an Aldi coffee pod Advent calendar! And I retrieved the advent wreath
candles for my mother! Here's hoping she lets me pose one of my Frankenstein decorations next to her nativity manger; for five mintues please. 😉 She is leaving said manger to me in her will; I am now however an atheist! I will treat the possession with respect and subsequently bequeath it to my youngest niece!

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Success Hasn't Spoiled Me Yet???

Or has it? LOL And once an elite tormentor always an elite tormentor? Is the above the truth? I really need to communicate with Blanco; I must extend more effort!

Sunday, November 19, 2023


Oh I don't fuck around.... Oh I don't fuck around.... All involved will know that I am SOUND.... And that above all I DON'T FUCK AROUND...... 😁

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Veterans' Day

Is it "s apostrophe" or "apostrophe s"? I believe the former is correct; more than a single veteran is in existence! I attended a meetup live band event last night at a local bbq restraurant; I will have to attend again while I am in an eating mood. Directly after the gym I rarely possess an appetite! And...speaking of appetites it is time for a quick morning trip to Aldi to collect some baking supplies! Indeed, it has been a long time... But it is November!

Monday, November 6, 2023

November Is A Crossroads Month!

Halloween is over; as is daylight savings time... Slowly approaching winter; steadily winding down fall... Football is in full swing; heading towards "the holidays"....United States Thanskgiving is early for 2023 AND TODAT IS THE FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF MY STROKE! I have a Roku now in addition to my own Netflix subscription! Heading on, moving on, moving on, moving towards winter as I contemplate my fall and Thanksgiving theme decorations and envision a hearty Thanskgiving meal.....

Friday, October 13, 2023

Friday The Thirteenth In October....

My life; my life; my life; my life! Short on sleep and long on liquid! More to come soon! Susan

Friday, September 1, 2023

September 1

The real New Year Day! The beginning of the school year, new cars, football season and autumn! Bring it on. Even with my manic depressive state!

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

August Is Here...

And we are attempting to hold summer dear! Because it is here! I do not run my air conditioning very often. I am more comfortable with open windows.....

Friday, July 7, 2023

As We Go Further Into Summer.....

....Multiple thoughts occur on how to find and maintain "happiness." Oh the woman I could have been in the case of childhood peer respect! The temperature is cooler now so I am currently enjoying an early morning breeze. I am watching History Channel's "The Revolution." That really was gross treason against the British crown!

Sunday, July 2, 2023

July 2

Today is the actual day the Continential Congress declared independence. The declaration was formally adopted on July 4 so that is the celebration day. But it was treason against the British Crown......

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

June Is Here...

And it has been a full forty years since I graduated high school. I'm just as pathetic as I was back then, just in a totally different way. LOL.... But still alive and kicking as I navigate through my late fifties. Due to my oily fashion skin I look pretty good and I keep my body in good shape with exericse!

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Spring Has Sprung....

I know warm weather has finally arrived when I find the first wasp in my house. I am continuing my obsession with serial killers......

Sunday, April 9, 2023

April...Amid Thoughts Of Suicide

Too much too much and I have never been happy. I'm older now; I have been tired since the age of eleven. That's when I first truly began to feel the weight of the world....

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

And Now It Is March First...

...the day the new year REALLY STARTS in my opinion! And it is such a jump three years out of four going from the twenty-eighth of the month to the first; as a result I really look forward to Leap Year. Which will be 2024 by the way! It is time to get serious about the prior year tax returns, putting away the winter decorations, and thinking about the spring season...of course here is Chicagoland it won't occur until mid-May!

Saturday, February 25, 2023

More February....

..But it isn't all bad. At least our daylight increases daily. Trying to keep on top of it were. What does "as it were" even mean? I now know there is no shame in differences; that is I currently feel ZERO SHAME about being different. And re the January 2023 serial killer/mass murderer post: HERE IS A THOUGHT: WHAT IF "THEY" ARE THE NORMAL ONCE AND "WE" ARE THE DEVIANTS?

Thursday, February 23, 2023

February Blues...

Ah the throes of the end of winter! Frequent toilet visits, dry skin, icy cement and blacktop! More to come later!

Friday, January 20, 2023

And January Just Continues To Get Better...

I've binged watched the Netflix series "Dahmer" two times this month. I was in my late twenties at the time of that arrest and I vividly remember the general interest in the case--everyone watching the court appearances routinely appearing on network TV after the ten PM news, the Midwest heat wave of July 22, 1991, the hoards of protestors in Milwaukee for the remainder of the summer (all adults and children of color.) I personally feel that I have more in common with Jeffrey Dahmer than any other United States serial killer. There are several reasons for this not the least of which is that he and I were both born in the 1960s. Of course he was part of the Baby Boomers and I am Generation X....there is also the fact that we were both born in Milwaukee and resided in the Midwest for most of our lives. Of course he died in his mid thirties and I am now in my late fifties. He and I were both alienated from our peers during childhood and adolescence. We both have/had "kinky" tendencies; I can clearly see someone negotiating a consensual BDSM scene where the top pretends to adminster a Micky Finn, then proceeds to take complete a fully supervised play space of course! One of the documentaries stated that Dahmer didn't want to be touched; hey the same was true of the fictional Christian Grey. And last but certainly not least is the fact that he and I were/are both sexually attracted to men!