Monday, December 13, 2021

Battling Depression Again

Got to keep going...going...going! Just like the proverbial energizer bunny. Why are things like this? I guess they just are. It's holiday time so I need to get into the spirit......

Monday, November 8, 2021

The Person I Want To Be

"Who or whom do I want to be?" Think about it every morning and make a concious decision to act accoridingly. At least for the day!

Monday, November 1, 2021

November The First

Halloween Hangover!'_Day When I was a child the local Catholic schools always observed this holiday. Public schools did not so we always had to attend on the day after Halloween. Oh, memories both good and bad; I've been recently contemplating that perspective is the key here. Now I possess a more more positive outlook..... And tomorrow is We should think of various dead loved ones....and there are a lot of them!

Monday, October 11, 2021

Saturday, October 2, 2021


September 2021 was nuts with New Job #1 and New Job #2! September 27-October 1 was the first in-the-office workweek for me since March 2-March 6, 2020. I have to admit it is nice not having to drag a machine to and from the workplace. I will get used to this new routine but I must admit to not being this tired since experiencing my stroke in 2018. As of Saturday morning I remain exhausted. It will pass; I am determined to manage this new situation! Last night I finished decorating from Halloween! I put out the Fall trappings on September 25; in early November I will removed the Halloween stuff and replace with the Thanksgiving decorations. Then in late November one knows what happens. Since I got organized in Fall 2020 it was very easy to locate everything this year!

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

During These Difficult Times....

...People need to be at their peaks mentally and physically. I am definitely included in this group! Daily to-do lists, decrease television viewing, increase reading, eliminate alcohol consumption and recommit totally to: MENTAL FOCUS!

Thursday, September 16, 2021

The Events of September 8-15, 2021

I am CONVINCED that during the above week I acted to the best of my ability. It is business. I am currently maintaining a new to-do list and committed to MOVING ON!

Sunday, September 12, 2021

I Am Sailing Towards Fall With An Increased Level Of Contentment...

...Now that I have a reason to get out of bed in the morning. I AM I AM I AM. Still fifty-five years old; birthday is exactly four weeks from today! And the best part of coming home from work in seeing my nice clean garage; it isn't spotless but rather uncluttered and reasonably tidy. It is too warm today; eighty degrees in the house. I shut the windows the entire day.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Looking on Starting a New Era in My Life...

....I should be excited! Change is good! And challenges are good for people; challenges keep people on their toes! It has been sixteen years since Hurricane Katrina, and now Hurrican Ida is hitting today! And here comes our rain; hopefully it will help cool things off!

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Into July!

I am doing somewhat better. Attempting to maintain a better mental outlook and keep busy. The cooler weather definitely helps. Go open windows!

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Hopefully July Will Be Better!

Here I am, waiting the whole year for the warmer weather and when it comes I get even more depressed! I may need to get some help with my mental outlook. I can trace my pessimism issues back to approximately age six and a half.

Friday, June 11, 2021

Into Summer...

It is hot! Too hot! I am thinking of the old adage, "Be careful what you wish for; you might get it."

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Oil and Water? Families?

Mix like oil and water If two things or people are oil and water or are like oil and water, they are very different and they cannot exist together or be mixed with each other successfully. He'd known from the start that Nick and Adam would never mix. They were like oil and water. It is what it is. I have been spending more time lately with the "family." I'm thinking of a line from Helter Skelter "a family unlike any other family." "Thank goodness" exclaimed a juror. "We are not trying the sex lives of these people; we are trying the murder lives of these people." Okay, reader do you have a "murder life?" Actually these days I don't have either!

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Last Night On "The Connors"...

...we finally learned a detail of the death of Mark Healy I. Apparently there was a motorcycle accident!

Monday, April 19, 2021

Monday, April 5, 2021

How Am I Feeling Today?

Somewhat well. I did not drink last night and today's weather forecast is warm. The cold affects me more that I am older. We'll see what things I can accomplish today.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Happy Easter

I should be glad that I am here on this earth. I'm trying to gauge my morning mood as I prepare for a hike. It is morning and it appears it will be a nice day! Happy Holiday!

Saturday, April 3, 2021

What Now?

Existing. I know I am not designed for a vanilla relationship. Why is marriage or permanancy always the goal? A person's life is like a hotel. People check in and people check out. I am looking forward to summer. Of course that is what I said last year. I now know that an individual's happiness is dependent on internal and not external factors.

Friday, April 2, 2021

April Second

Luckily nobody played any April Fool jokes yesterday. Not that I can am aware of anyhow.... It is cold today but the weather should improve...hopefully it does not get windy. Come spring....come vaccinations...come life!

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Today Is The Last Day of February 2021

Tomorrow I will remove my remaining winter and snowman decorations. This is in spite of the fact that tomorrow's forecaster high will be in the mid thirty degrees F. Ah, March 1! Especially after a February of only twenty-eight days! Talk about the ultimate creep up! Spring will arrive soon, somewhere at the end of April, as is typical in Chicagoland. It is almost one year to the day of the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. A lot happened, and didn't happen, over the past year.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

February 4th... here! Woodstock Willy didn't see his shadow on February 2nd so Chicagoland should experience an early winter. Not that one would know it by observing the present weather through the window... WINTER REMAINS!

Saturday, January 9, 2021


Yesterday was Elvis' Birthday; he would have been eighty-six year old. Not of course that he would still have been alive with his abysmal health habits. But I went a meetup walk at the local mall and the holiday decorations were still there! Around January 6 is The Epiphany; all Christmas stuff should be removed! I still display some of my snowman winter decor and will do so through February. The new year is upon us; tomorrow begins January Double Digits. I haven't heard the sentiment of "Happy New Year" for a few days!

Monday, January 4, 2021


Oh the weather outside is frightful so I just stayed inside today. I will venture out tomorrow for some exercise; on New Year Day I partipated in a long group walk in Busse Woods Elk Grove Village IL. There was freezing rain but the activity was reminiscent of my childhood snow playing days. We never seemed to get cold; the parents would call us inside for warmth every few hours and then out again we would go!