Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I'm not an "Objectivist..."

...since I don't support complete laissez-faire capitalism.

The personal philosophy is very agreeable to me as an "art of living."

Monday, November 26, 2012

The best thing I ever did....

It was September 2010 and I was forty-four years old. 

I had just been diagnosed with stage one endometrial cancer.

There I sat in my oncologist's office; actually in the scheduler's office to determine when I would have surgery.

"This will be the best thing you will ever do!"

I stared at the woman as I did my best mental John Mcenroe (YOU CANNOT  BE SERIOUS.)

I replied, "I understand that is necessary for me to have this surgery but this is not the best thing I will ever do!"

A few days later when I relayed that story to my mother she looked at me and smiled, "Yes honey, this will be the best thing you will ever do since the surgery will save you life."

Sunday, November 25, 2012


What should each human being do every day of his or her life?


The human race conquered the planet earth and all other living beings by the individual use of the human brain.

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Now that I have accepted objective reality as my guide I have accepted that the concept of Afterlife does not exist.

My father passed away in 1989; at present I am finally in final mourning for him since I now realize he and I will never again meet.

Nor my grandparents either.


I am also sad about my late pets but I can easily obtain a dog and cat.

I can't go out and adopt another father.

Today is the U.S. holiday of Thanksgiving!

And recently at the ripe old age of forty-seven I discovered Objectivism and have adopted it as my personal philosophy!

I was researching the "Objectivist Movement" (political) on the web and I was struck with the following thought: "Hey these people may dislike government programs but they are CONTINUALLY CONSISTENT WITH THE POLITICAL THEORY OF THE DISAPPROVAL OF GOVERNMENT INTRUSION IN PRIVATE LIVES."

NOTHING make my blood boil more than these right wing Republicans who preach the above then work towards censorship and denial of women's reproductive choices!

To make a long story short I have been aware of various "philosophies" throughout my life but have never had much interest.

My long standing attitude was always as follows: "OMG someone else wants to tell everyone else how to live; that is all we need is another finger-wagger saying "you should do this; you should do that; I'm right you're wrong yadda yadda yadda."

Well I have now explored the philosophy as a WAY OF LIVING (the political and economic aspects don't interest me other than another idea).

And for the first time since I was ten years old I no longer view "morality" and "right vs. wrong" as destructive words and concepts; I view them as wholly constuctive.

I now KNOW I can live my life morally and ethically.

I no longer need to feel any sense of shame whatsoever about my human nature and I no longer need to maintain a defensive attitude.

I know now what is RIGHT and what is WRONG!

To take a quote from the Bible:


Wednesday, November 21, 2012