Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Dealing With The Drug Death Of A Loved One


I will never know why he started using again.

I was shocked beyond belief at the following: "Cause of Death: Heroin and Fentanyl Toxicity."

Good thing the mail didn't come before I left for the opera; that would have destroyed my whole evening and the cold weather was challenging enough.

And to have to deal with this situation during stroke recovery.

I am obviously not hopelessly addicted to alcohol since I have all but given it up since my Dec. 18 discharge from the rehabilitation hospital. Hey, being on the wagon is good for the pocketbook; one can really save a lot of money.

I intensely dislike not having all the answers, not knowing, why did this happen, why did the dominoes roll this way and not the other, etc. etc. and so forth!

Sunday, January 20, 2019

My Stroke Recovery Continues

Yes, I feel like I have been "born again."

My stroke occurred November 6. It was December when I was actually able to propel myself in the wheelchair to my rehabilitation hospital wastebasket!

Now it is cold out and I go outside. My right side really suffers. I need to look in my closet for heavy mittens or gloves.

I am only fifty-three years old and I am the family member who maintains the healthy exercising lifestyle.


I am not as angry as I was during my last health issue; actually I am not angry at all. Maybe because I am older.

Who knows.

I am trying to spend as much of my online time on the PC so I can get practice typing. My right hand still isn't one hundred percent. Hopefully practice will really make perfect!

Sunday, January 6, 2019

NEW YEAR 2019!

I am on my way towards a fully recovery!

Of course that means I will have to resume work sometime this year.

"This year" meaning 2019 of course.

What one take for granted....being able to drive, eat and use the toilet!

I should consider myself fortunate; there are other health issues in the family.

And it's winter too!