Monday, February 18, 2013


I am keeping my home alcohol free; it helps!

I cleaned up a lot of papers yesterday that were strewn on the floor of my great room; my mother wouldn't think my home was clean but I do!

Of course I'm almost a total atheist now and she wouldn't care for that at all!

But to each his or her own.

I am learning new things at work, taking on new duties.

I have made it this far and I will continue on.

I must think objectively, think objectively, think objectively!

Thursday, February 7, 2013


It's snowing.

I am prone to seasonal affective disorder.

I must remember I am the lord (lady?) of my life; it's all up to me.

To quote Phil Mcgraw, "This isn't a dress rehersal folks, this is it!"

Think objectively...think objectively...think objectively and above all NEVER GIVE UP WHEN THERE IS A CHANCE!