Friday, September 20, 2019

Just Out Of The Hospital

Didn't have to spend the night or get new meds!

So things went well.

Until the bill arrives....LOL I have good insurance but the company doesn't pay for everything.

No gym this weekend and it's supposed to rain.

Going to be boring.

Maybe it won't rain the entire weekend.

We shall see!

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Here we go again....

I want to do a one woman show thus:

Louise Mcbride
Poignant Reflections On The Human Condition


Anything but poignant that!


Tuesday, September 10, 2019


And last night I thought I heard weird noises!

Certainly hope this doesn't develop into a pattern.

Gotta go...

Thursday, September 5, 2019


Today is the nineteenth anniversary of my current employment! 💀 It's been a ride but I should be glad I have the work! And no I do not believe that in this current era of modern conveniences that a SAHM is the equivalent of full-time employment!


Also, tomorrow is the ten month "anniversary" of my stroke. I quote that word since by definition only yearly events are true anniversaries! Ten month marker is more accurate! :) So here I am still living in my same house, several months into resumption of full time work, seemingly in debt up to my proverbial neck, and meanwhile continuting to mourn the boyfriend who passed away from an opiate overdose in December.


I will never find another relationship like that; not with that level of compatibility. And yes I do realize my modus operandi is the outlier!

Anyhow, just four more months exist between now and the beginning of the calendar year of the fifty-fifth birthday! Oh yes before I forget exactly five weeks from today I will turn fifty-four; I will be in my mid-fifties rather than my early fifties!

I began this blog in 2012 after I discovered Objectivism. More accurately after I rediscovered it; as a dumb seventeen year old the atheist aspect frightened me. Now I'm a dumb fifty-three year old. Progress?

I'll write more later. Now I need to obtain my second cup of coffee and get going to my morning's activities.