Sunday, December 17, 2023

True Crime Aficionado Tendencies...

 ....can take over one's entire existence.

Yesterday my mother asked me to retrieve her letter opener.

I found what resembled a shiv!

I said, "This is a LETTER OPENER? It resembles a murder weapon!"

Her response: "One would have to stab several times..."

Me: "Sure that's what psychotic criminals do when one wants to get rid of a prison cellmate! If management won't agree the criminal has to use whatever is at his disposal, and a lot of times HE constructs a SHIV. AND THE CRIMINAL JUST STABS AND STABS UNTIL THE ROOMMATE IS DEAD....:

Mother eventually realizes that I am "beyond hope" and states: "Just give me the letter opener, dear."



Sunday, December 3, 2023

In Order To Succeed At Work

 A) Work Productivity 
 B) Respectful And Dignified Behavior 

 A) Smart Alecky Comments
 B) Aggression
 C) Defensiveness 
 D) Paranoia

"And so it goes...."

Friday, December 1, 2023

Today is December 1st

It is cold here in Chicagoland. Of course I frequently comment on the weather. Currently contemplating my third cup of morning coffee; For the fist year I purchased an Aldi coffee pod Advent calendar! And I retrieved the advent wreath
candles for my mother! Here's hoping she lets me pose one of my Frankenstein decorations next to her nativity manger; for five mintues please. 😉 She is leaving said manger to me in her will; I am now however an atheist! I will treat the possession with respect and subsequently bequeath it to my youngest niece!