Friday, May 8, 2020


I am maintaining a continual log of tasks. This involves constantly updating my daily to do list.

I am completing my exercise workouts in my home via my android tablet and some recently acquired equipment.

I have completed several meetup walks. These involve maximum groups of ten, six feet social distancing, and the use of a face covering.

I am downloading books and finding worthwhile history programs on the television.

I am keeping my bed made, my house tidy, and I have now committed to a three month professional cleaning schedule.

I am eating healthy every day: fruit, vegetables and dairy products.

I am committed to controlling my drinking. This is probably the largest challenge I face. I recently read in the news that liquor sales have increased forty percent since the beginning of this situation; I am somewhat surprised it isn't more!

I am taking each day as it comes. I can project and plan two days ahead but that is as far as my task list goes. BTW I keep a longer term list of appointments etc. on the face of my kitchen calendar.

I am trying to subdue thoughts that the entire summer 2020 will be shot to excrement or that the way of life I have always known will be forever doomed.

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