Thursday, August 22, 2019

August 22

Memories from recent years:

2017: Driving home from Southern IL on our ill-fated solar eclipse trip (after sitting out in the hot stadium sun for a few hours the damn star went behind the clouds and we barely saw anything) with Dave R. He's now dead.

2018: Taking Bob Wick for his Barrett esophagus check up procedure. He's now dead.

2019: I have fully recovered from my stroke but I may soon be relieved of my job. This would not necessarily constitute hardship since management moved us down to hell and gone over a year ago. I am joining a meetup group at a new trivia venue, both company and location.


Monday, August 12, 2019

Going Through August

It's all up to me.

I know it.

I just need to concentrate on accomplishing as much as I can and maintaining a good attitude.

What is my name?

My real name is not Louise!