Thursday, October 15, 2015


I have a marked tendency towards anger.

Especially when an adult makes what I'm sure is meant to be a "cute comment." I have a tendency to overreact due to my childhood background.

I was teased, ridiculed, rejected by my peers from approximately age eight until seventeen.

I can remember incidents of ridicule directed at me when I was sixteen. I can remember because the summer of 1982 I went on a Europe school group trip and I remember most of the experience.

Not sure if that occurred during my subsequent senior year of high school. Rejection certainly. Active ridicule I'm not sure. And I don't know if it's worth "going back into the brain" to try and remember.

To be continued....

Monday, October 12, 2015


...So could someone please let me know HOW THE HELL I GOT TO BE FIFTY YEARS OLD!?