....Energy energy energy...
Busy at work but it is good to keep busy!
Quote from John Powers: "In Chicagoland March is the FINAL FART of winter..." certainly true for 2025 but then it is true EVERY YEAR!
....Energy energy energy...
Busy at work but it is good to keep busy!
Quote from John Powers: "In Chicagoland March is the FINAL FART of winter..." certainly true for 2025 but then it is true EVERY YEAR!
The end of winter...hopefully!
Ah February! Groundhog Day, Valentine's Day, Presidents Day, and once ever four years an extra day!
I will put away all my winter decorations tomorrow (Christmas specific stuff went into the closet a week into January).
And we will get ready for spring, which here in Chicagoland probably won't materialize until well into May.
At least that is what I told myself on February 1!
I will have to check if the ground hog saw his or her shadow...
Last night there was snow but it will all melt today since the forecasted high is in the forties.
...has had me rethinking the 1970s decade.
Upon taking office in 1977 Carter promptly pardoned the draft dodgers.
Even earlier the US people had soured on Watergate and wanted new people.
The Energy Crisis, The Meat Shortage....it was all there!
And as for me that era is the beginning of my general fatigue; at age eleven in 1977!
I still remember watching the news story re Amy Carter's first day of public school in Washington DC; both my parents promptly exclaimed: "Look at that poor girl! She is ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED."
Neither of them seemed to notice my own school attendance terror.
Or if they did they simply ignored it.
Now in less than two week another inaugural will occur; OH HOW THE MIGHTY HAVE FALLEN!
....just died yesterday at age one hundred.
I remember his presidency well.
I was a child.
After Watergate the American people wanted new people.
They country definitely got it!
Carter was a Libra, same as me.
Only non-living zodiac sign.
Years ago I thought a scale was a dull sign.
Now I realize that it is what it is!